Meta-Analysis Raw Data
This PRIVATE area of the web site can only be accessed from the
link on the Research Home page. It contains the raw data and
analyses supporting a meta-analysis of Nzi trap performance for standardized
experiments conducted with numerous collaborators, mostly from the 1990's. This is still a "WORK IN PROGRESS", but so far
all of the comparative, and standardized experimental data from Mihok and
collaborators have been summarized.
 | Each experiment is summarized in a WORD file.
Each file is a straightforward guide
that includes ANOVA output generated by SYSTAT. Some of
these files are brief as I have not taken the time to annotate everything in
detail. The file name corresponds to the experimental code in the EXCEL
reference NziTrials.
Raw data for three recent experiments are consolidated in another small file:
Recent Trials. Original data are
missing for one experiment (BERNDE02).
 | The RAW data and detailed
statistics are
in an EXCEL file.
Each file contains a RAW worksheet for one experiment extracted
from the master reference and crosschecked against original
records. Log (X+1) transformed catch data
are calculated in a
LOG worksheet via the macro CTRL+C using formulas in the
TEMP worksheet. Note that you will get a macro warning when you open these
EXCEL files.
The LOG file was imported into SYSTAT for statistical calculations. SYSTAT was
used to provide the Mean Square Error, Degrees of Freedom and sample size
information required to estimate response ratios. The
CATCHES worksheet provides a quick point of reference for the species
captured. These files may contain short notes on species or missing values but
in general follow the same format throughout. Relevant response ratio data were transferred to the master
database of Response Ratios
using the worksheet DBASE.
 | The reflectance (cloth) and transmittance (netting)
data are in a second EXCEL file.
These files were created several years ago and are a
quick source of information for the fabrics used to make traps. They should contain the same
information as the master fabric references in EXCEL and in ACCESS.
I have not taken the time to confirm this.
 | The SYSTAT data file
created from the log (X+1) worksheet in the EXCEL data file is
provided along with a text file of the SYSTAT
commands used to generate the ANOVAS.
These files can be used with SYSTAT (or any
similar statistical package with minor adjustments)
to analyze the data with a simple modification of the directory
references at the beginning of the command file.
Note that these files may contain commands specific to idiosyncrasies of each
experiment. Note that the RAW and LOG worksheets in the original EXCEL file
contain the same header row. Hence, to analyze untransformed data, simply
import the RAW worksheet into SYSTAT and re-analzye the data with the command
 | Codes for other standard biting fly traps should be
self-evident. Some files will contain additional experimental Nzi traps with
codes that are meaningful only to me until this work is formally published.
All key trials include a NZI-COT
standard trap (phthalogen blue cotton,
Ethiopian or Kenyan fabric),
and most also include a NZI-POL standard
trap (Vestergaard Frandsen's
original "pongee 2" pure blue 100% polyester
from the mid-1990's). The original goal of this research was to test Nzi traps
made from blue fabrics #105 and #101 in 3-times replicated 3 x 3 Latin squares
relative to a "local" standard trap. Fabrics #105 and #101 are simply large lots of
the equivalent fabrics #60 and #65 that did well when tested in Expt 23 of Mihok (2002). |
Country |
Area |
Season |
Summary |
Data File |
Commands |
Catches |
Fabrics |
3 x 3 Latin Squares - Ethiopian
Phthalogen Blue Cotton #105 & Vestergaard Frandsen Polyester #101 |
Kenya |
Nguruman |
Wet |
TrNguWet |
NguWet |
6k |
2,930k |
310k |
Kenya |
Kibwezi |
Wet |
TrKib |
Kib |
5k |
2,644k |
308k |
Kenya |
Point |
Wet |
TrMbita |
Mbita |
3k |
2,112k |
308k |
Ethiopia |
Didesa |
Wet |
TrDidesa |
Didesa |
6k |
3,305k |
308k |
Ethiopia |
Arba Minch |
Wet |
TrMinchWet |
MinchWet |
6k |
2,942k |
308k |
Tanzania |
Naitolya |
Dry |
2k |
2,151k |
240k |
Uganda |
Busoga |
Dry |
TrUganda |
Uganda |
3k |
2,145k |
274k |
Zambia |
Kafue |
Wet |
TrZambWet |
ZambWet |
3k |
2,167k |
308k |
Zambia |
Kafue |
Dry |
TrZambDry |
ZambDry |
3k |
2,167k |
308k |
Gambia |
Niamina East |
Wet |
TrGambia |
Gambia |
4k |
2,476k |
340k |
Denmark |
Copenhagen |
Wet |
TrDenmark |
Denmark |
2k |
1,936k |
206k |
USA* |
Iowa |
Dry |
TrIowa |
Iowa |
3k |
1,824k |
307k |
USA* |
Louisiana |
Dry |
TrLouisiana |
Louisiana |
2k |
1,965k |
275k |
Japan |
Hokkaido |
Dry |
TrJapan |
Japan |
1k |
1,871k |
173k |
* Brief results published in:
Mihok, S., Carlson, D.A., Krafsur, E.S. & Foil, L.D.
(2006) Performance of the Nzi and other traps for biting flies in North
America. Bulletin of Entomological Research,
96, 387-397. |
Methodological Variations - Cotton and polyester both tested |
Blue Cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #184
& Opaque VF Polyester #161 |
Ethiopia |
Kombo |
Wet |
TrKombo |
Kombo |
5k |
2,578k |
274k |
Mozambique |
Quelimane |
Dry |
TrMozam |
Mozam |
2k |
2,182k |
308k |
Blue Cotton from Bonar
Industries, Zimbabwe #171
Cotton trap with geometric frame, Standard VF Polyester
#101 |
Zimbabwe |
Zambezi |
Wet |
TrZimbWet |
ZimbWet |
2k |
2,301k |
240k |
Cotton from Awassa Textiles, Ethiopia #127,
Standard VF Polyester
#101 |
Mali |
Tienfala-Baguineda |
Wet |
TrMaliWet |
MaliWet |
3k |
2,511k |
239k |
Mali |
(Savanna) |
Dry |
TrMaliDryA |
MaliDryA |
2k |
2,264k |
As Above |
Complex Fabric Trials - Large Latin Squares
with many special fabrics |
23 from Mihok (2002) in Bulletin of Entomological
Ethiopian #60, Kenyan #62
Phthalogen Blue & VF Polyesters
#64, 65 and some size/netting variations |
Kenya |
Nguruman |
Dry |
TrNguDry |
NguDry |
5k |
4,093k |
343k |
fabric trial to scope causes of polyester/cotton catch differences -
various cotton/polyester fabrics
ROYAL BLUE Cotton from Awassa Textiles, Ethiopia #127
tested |
Ethiopia |
Arba Minch |
Dry |
TrMinchDry |
MinchDry |
3k |
2,662k |
587k |
sequential experiments using the same set of traps in
minor variations on cotton/polyester fabrics
Comparing many possible sources of catch differences in
fabric features |
Ethiopia |
Chanka1 |
Wet |
TrChanka1 |
Chanka1 |
4k |
3,630k |
773k |
Ethiopia |
Chanka2 |
Wet |
TrChanka2 |
Chanka2 |
6K |
4,680k |
As Above |
Kenya |
Shimba |
Wet |
TrShimba |
Shimba |
4k |
3,731k |
773k |
Experiments - ONLY Cotton Nzi traps
being compared to other traps |
Mihok, S., Carlson, D.A. & Ndegwa, P.N. (2007)
Tsetse and other biting fly responses to Nzi traps
baited with octenol, phenols and acetone.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, (in press).
7 x 7 Latin Squares
Blue Cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #184 |
Ethiopia |
Chanka |
Wet |
TrTrapEth |
TrapEth |
6k |
3,978k |
137k |
Blue Cotton from Bonar
Industries, Zimbabwe #171
Tested dark versus light netting - traps made with geometric frames |
Zimbabwe |
Zambezi |
Dry |
TrZimDry |
ZimDry |
3k |
2,324k |
240k |
Phthalogen Blue Cotton from Awassa Textiles, Ethiopia
#105 |
Burkina Faso |
Lahirasso |
Dry |
TrBFLah |
BFLah |
3k |
2,437k |
171k |
Burkina Faso |
Kimini |
Dry |
TRBFKimini |
BFKimini |
2k |
2,488k |
As Above |
Burkina Faso |
Banwali |
Dry |
TrBFBanwali |
BFBanwali |
2k |
2,340k |
As Above |
Published Trials using the NZI-COT trap
Lighter-weight, Phthalogen Blue "Jinja" cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #27
Details |
Area |
Season |
Summary |
Data File |
Commands |
Catches |
Fabrics |
Ndegwa, P.N. & Mihok, S.
(1999) Development of odour-baited traps for Glossina swynnertoni
Austen (Diptera: Glossindae). Bulletin of Entomological Research,
89, 255-261. |
Original data were only saved
from Expt #3; raw ANOVA output from
author used for expt #2 |
Expt 2 |
Naitolya |
Dry |
TRBerNde02 |
Raw Data |
240k |
Expt 3 |
Naitolya |
Dry |
TRBerNde03 |
BerNde03 |
3k |
2,276k |
As above |
Mihok, S. (2002) The development of a
multipurpose trap (the Nzi) for tsetse and other biting flies. Bulletin
of Entomological Research, 92, 385-403. |
8x8 trial
of 3 colour options against
multiple trap standards,
G. pallidipes data analyzed for 2 replicates |
Expt 12 |
Nguruman |
Dry |
GP Subset |
4k |
GPdata |
240k |
Three colour options against
Vavoua for Stomoxys only |
Expt 13 |
Nairobi |
Dry |
TrBerMih13 |
BerMih13 |
4k |
2,433k |
240k |
Major trial,
Nzi and Red Nzi against Vavoua trap for
Stomoxyinae only - forest, high density |
Expt 14 |
Park |
Dry |
TrBerMih14 |
BerMih14 |
6k |
3,108k |
240k |
test of very first Vestergaard
Frandsen Polyester "Brilliant Blue 589" |
Expt 15 |
Nairobi |
Dry |
TrBerMih15 |
BerMih15 |
4k |
2,310k |
308k |
Three colour options against
Vavoua for Glossina longipennis, Philoliche |
Expt 16 |
Maralal |
Dry |
TrBerMih16 |
BerMih16 |
3k |
2,504k |
240k |
Exploratory trap variations with data on Canopy trap
- NOTE small sample sizes |
Expt 17 |
Nguruman |
Dry |
TrBerMih17 |
BerMih17 |
5k |
2,249k |
240k |
Many Trap
variations with good data for Tabanidae,
including Canopy trap |
Expt 18 |
Ruma Park |
Dry |
TrBerMih18 |
BerMih18 |
6k |
4,385k |
240k |
Trap variations as in #18 with data on Glossina fuscipes |
Expt 19 |
Point |
Dry |
TrBerMih19 |
BerMih19 |
6k |
3,795k |
240k |
Major trial of early VF polyesters and
comparisons to multiple standard
traps |
Expt 20 |
Hills |
Wet |
TrBerMih20 |
BerMih20 |
5k |
4,275k |
378k |
Blue Cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #184,
Recent Experiments in North America with EXCEL files in different
format; raw data stored in a separate database in ACCESS |
Mihok, S., Carlson, D.A., Krafsur, E.S. & Foil, L.D.
(2006) Performance of the Nzi and other traps for biting flies in North
America. Bulletin of Entomological Research,
96, 387-397. |
Selected comparisons
to a few other biting fly traps in experiments conducted for various
purposes |
Vavoua |
Russell, ON |
Sep 2003 |
Ber06Net2 |
Net2 |
2k |
925k |
Alsynite |
Russell, ON |
Sep 2004 |
Ber06Dyes5 |
Dyes5 |
2k |
1,021k |
Canopy |
Russell, ON |
2004 |
Ber06Canopy |
Canopy |
2k |
982k |
original data are available on request for the recent experiments
described in this publication |
Miscellaneous Nzi Data
NOT Amenable to Trap &
Fabric Meta-Analysis
Experimental traps/odours only, and/or data idiosyncrasies
Details |
Area |
Season |
Summary |
Data File |
Commands |
Catches |
Fabrics |
Blue Cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #184 |
Mihok, S., Carlson, D.A. & Ndegwa, P.N. (2007)
Tsetse and other biting fly responses to Nzi traps
baited with octenol, phenols and acetone.
Medical and Veterinary Entomology, (in press).
8 x 8 Latin Squares
Acetone - Octenol -
Cattle Urine Baits using NZI-COT traps |
Ethiopia |
Chanka |
Dry |
TrBaitEth |
BaitEth |
6k |
2,486k |
137k |
Odour & Bait
- losses of several traps due to fires set by
farmers |
Ethiopia |
Chanka |
Dry |
In Prep |
137k |
Mihok, S. (2002) The development of a
multipurpose trap (the Nzi) for tsetse and other biting flies. Bulletin
of Entomological Research, 92, 385-403.
Lighter-weight, Phthalogen Blue "Jinja" cotton from
Mountex, Kenya #27 |
First ever
test of the final format of the NZI-COT trap, but with a black inner shelf
instead of a netting shelf |
10 |
Nguruman |
Wet |
In Prep |
240k |
Variations on inner shelves
and baffles
- only NZI-COT trap used |
11 |
Nguruman |
Wet |
In Prep |
240k |
Test for
Stomoxys of unattractive outer surfaces -
only NZI-COT trap used |
21 |
Nairobi |
Wet |
In Prep |
240k |
Test for
tsetse of unattractive outer surfaces, trap
floor, etc. -
only NZI-COT trap used |
22 |
Nguruman |
Dry |
In Prep |
240k |
Cotton from Awassa Textiles, Ethiopia #127,
Standard VF Polyester
#101 |
Catches too low for useful statistics |
Mali |
Madina-Diassa |
Dry |
TrMaliDryB |
MaliDryB |
2k |
2,045k |
239k |